Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I don't want to ramble on about all the things i did today that didn't have to do with the project so I'll keep it short. ...but that's still what's going to happen, here.

1) Linguistics class
2) Blogged for this class
3) Choir
4) Work
5) Went to get new cel phone. Fail. Apparently my name isn't on my account anywhere.
6) Gospel Choir
7) Down time (finally!)

It was a very busy, tiring, frustrating day.

I did get some stuff going on my project this evening...I glued together the boards with the lighter stuff for the bulletin boards...

I did four of those. It will basically cover the whole wall, I think.
And I went into my bedroom closet and got the whiteboard out...

It was not clean at all, because I hadn't used it OR cleaned it off in years and everything was dried on...I think that's why it was in the back of my closet to begin I got some cleaning stuff and I cleaned it. That actually took a surprisingly long time to do, but I was very satisfied when finished!

So then I had to do some socializing/dinner eating, and when I got back to work (around 9:30 pm?) I placed the whiteboard where I wanted it on the wall...I didn't hammer the nails in ALL the way because I didn't want to bother our neighbors, who might have been going to bed right above the garage. I did hammer them in though and I hung the whiteboard up so I could look at it. I think it looks fabulous.

I don't know how it will look once I nail up the boards (I'll do that tomorrow, when they are dry, and hopefully earlier in the day), but I imagine that it will look even better. I am excited about the wooden pieces. The ones in the foreground of that last picture are currently drying together to become one of those things to run under the whiteboard that will have pens on it, and there are pre made ridges so the pens won't roll away! See, that's why I bought those wooden pieces. Heh heh.

Anyway, that's more or less it for today.

I still really want to go to bring-recycling. Hopefully this weekend.
Also, my roommate helped me choose a new digital camera, and I should be able to go buy that this weekend as well. Also we are going to try and get a space heater for the garage. This should more or less round out my project, I think.

Anyway, I'm excited about it. I feel a lot more comfortable in the garage now than I did two weeks ago, and it will only get better from here.

We also hung up some halloweeny lights in our window today so people will sense that we are friendly!


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